December 15, 2009

Accenture to Pull Ads, Cut Ties with Tiger Woods

Global consulting giant Accenture dumped cheating golf legend Tiger Woods yesterday, saying he is "no longer the right representative" of the company.

Woods' firing by Accenture will cost him $7 million a year.

Accenture is the first corporate sponsor known to have severed all ties with Woods, although AT&T and Gillette have also stopped running ads showing Tiger.

Nike and video game maker EA are standing by Tiger - for now.

But with Elin Woods' wedding ring off, various babes still coming out of the woodwork and Tiger on an indefinite break from golf, he's creating terrible PR 24/7 and not even competing in the sport he rules. Not what you want in a pitchman.

Given the obvious jokes you could make out of Accenture's ad taglines featuring Tiger Woods, you can certainly see why they washed their hands of him:

Looking Ahead

How can you plan ahead ... when you're juggling 15 bimbos?

Woods Accenture AdAttitude

What you did? 0 percent. Who you did? 100 percent.


Oh, it's a setback, all right.

The Irony

Neither is your neighbor's lawn.


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