December 21, 2009

Tiger Woods: Mr. Innocent Strip Club Regular

Tiger Woods liked to pretend he was a shy little cub at strip clubs, but in truth, the wild cat knew what he liked and frequented such establishments often.

The "innocent strip club virgin" was just his alter ego of sorts.

Anyone out there surprised at this point?

Prior to his explosive sex scandal, the tail-chaser made a point of visiting NYC's Scores, where each time, he pretended he was a "virgin to strip clubs."

That's according to Scores manager Tony Lombardi, who says that to cover up his actions, the convincingly "innocent" athlete relied on his entourage.

"He would just point and say 'Who's that?' and they would go over and say, 'Tiger Woods wants to meet you.' And they would never leave together."

Strip Club Regular

Night-life impresario Rocco Ancarola, who hired Woods' mistress Rachel Uchitel to lure VIPs to his Pink Elephant club, said VIPs are closely guarded.

Tiger benefited from an industrywide reluctance to whisper about customers and protect their identities, he says, whether it was deliberate or not.

The New York Daily News adds that friends in Tiger Woods' inner sanctum were aware of his wild ways and even his cheating but failed to speak up.

"A lot of us who love him saw this coming," one longtime friend is quoted as saying. "We said, 'You've got to be careful. It's really getting too raggedy.' In his own mind, he may not have thought he was doing anything wrong."

The pal adds that the world's greatest golfer "was under a lot of pressure. He thought he was just letting off steam. He thought of it as a perk."

A perk ... or 11. That's how many Tiger Woods mistresses we know of, and the guy was supposedly being discreet. Who knows the actual tally.


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