March 14, 2010

Jennifer Aniston Confirms Fake Dating Costars

jennifer aniston not dating gerard butler Jennifer Aniston Confirms Fake Dating Costars

Remember when Jennifer Aniston costarred in The Break-Up with Vince Vaughn, and then she pretended to date him while promoting the movie, and as soon as they had sold it as much as they could the pair suddenly did a fake break-up? Well Aniston kind of confirmed it was all fake when she said she isn’t dating current costar Gerard Butler, but then added something interesting to her comment:

"Gerry is lovely, he’s a real nice guy. But it seems I get linked to all my co-stars. There seems to be a formula, if you make a movie together, then you must be dating in real life. I don’t know who starts those rumors but I’m learning to ignore them."

The formula has been used by Aniston to sell her movies for years. The rumors are started by Aniston. All she does is appear in places with her costar, act affectionate, make it look romantic, maybe even invite the guy to her house, and suddenly there is a rumor they are dating. The result is higher ticket sales.

You never had me fooled Aniston.


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