July 5, 2010

Finding Bliss Review

finding bliss review 300x199 Finding Bliss ReviewReel Review: This is a movie that was released in June of 2010. It was released by Phase 4 Films. The director is hoping it goes over well in theaters. It is a comedy and romance. The rating for this movie hasn’t been released.

What’s Inside: The Finding Bliss movie is based on the cutting edge romantic comedy that shows the adult film industry trough the eyes of a 25 year old new to Los Angeles. After a long year teasing a traffic cop on a studio lot, Jody has to make the decision of taking the only wll paying job she has yet been offered; and that is editing porn at an x-rated company of course owned by a former porn star.

Wrapping it Up: At first horrified about the idea she can’t go without a job ad she has very strict Jewish parents. She would be letting them down however in the long term thought of things she decides to take the job. Jody reassures herself taking the position by her own dreams of making real films and this could help. When Jody goes after hours and starts making her own low fund budget romantic comedy at night she learns that she can actually accomplish making a movie but she gradually learns to accept certain things including her low life friends who are into porn.


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