October 2, 2010

Britney Spears: Saved By Jayden James and Sean Preston; Possibly Getting Married!

Guess it was a slow news week.

We know Britney Spears was in the news a bunch, thanks to the Glee tribute episode in her honor, but this tabloid cover below pretty much recycled an old story.

The pop singer's "recovery" was pretty much in effect by mid-2008, following her 2007 meltdowns. Britney's conservatorship is still in effect. End of discussion.

Britney's Recovery

Saved my her boys' love ... and lots of medication.

The subheadings are also old stories. Brit loves her kids. She and her dad are doing better. She and K-Fed are on good terms. She may get engaged to Jason Trawick at some point between now and the end of time. Stop the presses!

Then again, how can we complain. Toddlers don't get much cuter than lil' JJ there. Airbrushing or not, that is one sweet photograph of mother and son.


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