December 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ryan Seacrest!

Ryan Seacrest turns 35 today.

On one hand, we wanna wish the American Idol host a very happy birthday and tell him to celebrate it in a safe, responsible manner.

On the other hand, we wanna strangle him until almost no life remains because he's responsible for hoisting Keeping Up with the Kardashians on the world. Seacrest serves as executive producer on that "reality" show.

He actually seems like a perfectly nice guy and his chemistry with Simon Cowell is a major reason we tune in to Idol every week. But, seriously Ryan, the country didn't need to get to know anyone in the Kardashian family aside from Kim's boobs.

Still, we honor Seacrest with the following photo montage and by asking readers to send in their birthday wishes for him...

Ryan Seacrest Pic


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