December 25, 2009

Kate Gosselin Talk Show: Not Happening

In turns out Kate Gosselin, who had her sights set on a talk show career, is not going to be part of a new show that she shot a pilot for, according to reports.

The reason? Executives thought she was too controversial.

In September, Kate was one of several hosts for a Momlogic TV pilot. The show was described as The View for working moms, but it may not even happen.

With multiple hosts (Kate, Paula Deen, Lee Woodruff, others), the show was designed to tackle topics such as teenage pregnancy as well as lighter fare.

K. Goss

TV execs passed on Kate Gosselin. This time around.

Executives believed Kate was too controversial for the show, however, and didn’t think she was ready for a full-time hosting job, even as part of a panel.

Deen was being pushed as the show’s star, even in the multi-host format, and there was some concern that Kate Gosselin’s notoriety was upsetting her.

The decision to drop Kate doesn’t mean no more Kate on TV, however. She will be back on TLC in the spring with a new show, which is in development.

TLC says it is "fully committed" to Kate’s new show, even as it works to finish developing its concept. At the same time, it's working to finish Jon Gosselin.


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