February 13, 2010

Bristol Palin to Levi Johnston: Get a Job!

Levi Johnston says he's like every other unwed, teenage baby daddy trying to cash in on his 15 accidental minutes of fame by starting an acting career:

Broke as a joke.

Yesterday, the Playgirl cover boy rejected assertions by baby mama Bristol Palin that he earned $105,000 in 2009 and should crank up the child support.

Bristol wants Levi to fork over $1,750 a month to care for their 1-year-old son, Tripp, but in a new court filing, Johnston says his income is too erratic.

Which is a nice way of saying negligible.

His only guaranteed income so far in '10, according to Team Levi, is $25,000 from "some contingencies based on my Playgirl shoot." Hot contingencies!

But Bristol Palin ain't buying it. Her attorney, Thomas Van Flein, said in a statement today: "Bristol is hopeful that Levi will obtain work in 2010." SNAP.

Palin AdversaryBristol Pic

Levi Johnston knocked up Bristol Palin in 2008. Both are now 19.

She is "encouraged that he acknowledged in court his obligation to pay child support and he acknowledged paying $4,400 in the last 14 months," the lawyer said.

THG NOTE: That's $314.28 a month. Our interns could afford that! Way to go, Levi. You want some more credit for doing a half-ass job at your legal obligation?

Levi's lawyer Rex Butler retorted and stated that "we're refuting the manner in which they want child support figured. But at the same time we're willing to pay."

"They said they got $4,400 from him over a 14-month period but it was in the last three months. He'd have more to send if she kept her appointments with him."

THG NOTE #2: We're not entirely surprised, it's a little perplexing that Levi is that broke. He didn't get paid for any of his 867 interviews about Sarah Palin?

At least their lawyers agree on one thing. According to her attorney:

"Bristol expects to mediate a new child visitation schedule with Levi that balances Tripp's need to be with his father with Levi's need to travel and seek work."

Get on it, Levi. Seek work. Write the tell-all Palin book already!


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