February 17, 2010

Kendra Wilkinson Offers Obvious Weight Loss Tips

No one on the planet would want to laugh like Kendra Wilkinson, but we can't blame many women for wanting a body like this former Playboy cover girl.

With that in mind, the busty blonde has offered up the following, top-secret weight loss tips to OK! Weekly. How could Kendra have supposedly lost 25 pounds in eight weeks, without "going overboard and cutting everything out?"

By taking these pieces of advice...

Eat Breakfast: It's the most important meal of the day! “I have strawberry or peach yogurt; cereal and fruit; or a smoothie, so I’m not hungry and I feel energized," she said.

Don't Weigh Yourself: “Chart your progress with how your clothes fit, not what the number on the scale says.”

Kendra Topless

Have a Goal: Kendra wants to possess the most famous backside in Hollywood (sorry, Kim Kardashian) and to wear a slinky Hervé Léger dress for husband Hank Baskett.

Snack Well: “I really like cold, raw vegetables, especially baby carrots," Wilkinson says, advising others to dip these in hummus or fat-free dressing for a healthy snack.

Ration Yourself: Kendra still eats pasta and rice because “it’s just all about portion sizes.” Try not to have more than one cup of a carb/meal.

Got it? Follow these rules, get a boob job, make enough money by pimping out your child on the cover of tabloids so that you don't need to hold down a real job... and you'll shed those pounds in no time!


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