March 1, 2010

Denise Richards May Testify Against Charlie Sheen

denise richards testify against charlie sheen Denise Richards May Testify Against Charlie Sheen

The district attorney in colorado wants Denise Richards to testify against Charlie Sheen when he goes to trial over the 2009 Christmas day incident with his wife Brooke Mueller. The district attorney has read over Richards declaration from a restraining order she got December 30, 2005 that read:

in the middle of an argument, she was holding their daughter Lola, when Charlie "pushed me, shoving me with his two hands between my shoulders. I was forced backwards and tripped over one of the children’s toys and fell on the floor with Lola."

"Charlie then pointed his finger at me and screamed, ’I hope you f*cking die, b*tch.’ As Charlie was walking out the front door he said he was going to have me killed. He said you are f*cking with the wrong guy."

Charlie denied the allegations, and it doesn’t even matter if the allegations are untrue. The fact is allegations that sound believable, even without any proof, are all that is needed to convict anyone of any crime in America. The best lawyer in the world may or may not be able to save Charlie, but he does have one ace up his sleeve, both Charlie and Brooke are in rehab for addiction, which makes Brooke look as guilty as Charlie just as Charlie claimed. At the very least Charlie could get off easier.

In the future Charlie needs some counseling on how to manage his frustration in emotionally stressful situations. When a person becomes emotionally stressed they act in ways they normally would not, because they lose control of themselves. Learning self control when under stress is something Charlie, and Brooke, need to work on. Stay off drugs and alcohol is also important, since being under the influence already makes a person lose their self control.

The only way for Charlie to avoid these problems in the future is to never yell, push, hit, criticize, or make empty threats, to anyone ever again.


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