March 1, 2010

Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson Arrive At LAX Together

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen picture proof of the elusive Robsten. But photographers snapped them arriving together at LAX over the weekend. Both Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were returning to L.A. from the BAFTA awards in London.

You’ll notice that Rob’s buddy Tom Sturridge was traveling with them. Lots of Robsten’s haters think that Kristen is a beard for Rob and Tom..but I”m not sure I’m buying that. Maybe…it does sort of make sense. For what it’s worth, Rob is carrying Kristen’s bag for her. Is it a sign of his feelings for her or he is just being the gay English gentleman?

I also noticed in these new pictures that Rob has the most gorgeous, delicate fingers. Random thought? Yes. But look for yourself.

I am now obsessed with those long, perfect fingers. They are perfect musician hands..a bit feminine yes..but still sexy.



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