March 11, 2010

Johnny Weir Stars on Ice Scandal

johnny weir upset over gender test 1 Johnny Weir Stars on Ice Scandal

The gays are trying to make an issue out of everything related to Johnny Weir. Evan Lysacek beat Weir for the Olympic Gold medal, so Evan got a spot on Dancing with the Stars.

This time the gays found out Weir did not get invited to appear on Stars on Ice, and they started a petition to get Weir hired, while trying to make the case that ticket sales will suffer without Weir. The gays are even starting rumors saying Stars on Ice say Weir is not "family friendly," which may be true the rumors are libelous.

Weir may be a star to the gays, but he is offensive to many other people. Weir doesn’t represent how most people see a professional skater, and when a skater like Weir refuses to fit the image he is left with no work, and one choice, to go on his own world skating tour. Weir could get investors, and invite other skaters to join him. If a Weir tour isn’t feasable then maybe he should consider turning down the volume on his gayness so he can make a living.

There is no reason the rest of the world should be forced to accept someone they find weird. Weir is free to be himself, but he risks alienating the very people who pay his bills. As an example, a person applying for an executive position at IBM might need to cut off his dreadlocks before applying, so he can fit the corporate executive image. If Weir won’t do it, then that’s his problem.

What Weir and his supporters fail to realize, is with Weir surrounding himself with so much controversy no one will want to hire him.


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