August 5, 2010

Prop 8 Overturned; Celebrities Tweet Reactions to Monumental Decision

Earlier today, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker announced his verdict regarding Prop 8, the controversial ballot proposition that was passed in November 2008 and banned gay marriage in California.

Judge Walked deemed the amendment a violation of the Constitution's equal protection clause under the 14th Amendment and overturned it. THG's reaction to this news?

Hooray! There's no practical argument against the harmless institution of gay marriage, and every reason to treat homosexuals the same as heterosexuals. As for the reaction in Hollywood, an outspoken community when it came to this issues? Here are a handful of responses:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger: "This decision affirms the full legal protections and safeguards I believe everyone deserves."

Ellen DeGeneres: "Equality won!"

Portia de Rossi: "I am ecstatic that proposition 8 has been overturned in the state of California. This is an incredibly exciting and historical day and a big step towards equal rights for all."

Lance Bass: "Congrats on the overturning of Prop 8!!!!"


Pink: "It’s a good day!"

Adam Lambert: It's time to "throw glitter on this barn!


Kelly Osbourne: "so happy over the news on prop8 its about time!"

Kim Kardashian: "Prop 8 was struck down! This news is amazing!!!! Its about time! Congrats to everyone!"

Shanna Moakler: "Tonight we celebrate! EQUALITY and LOVE for all! This is so much bigger then [sic] marriage, it's about wisdom, compassion and knowing we CAN be heard, action DOES make a difference!"

Samantha Ronson: "Song Of The Day: Let's Get Married- Jagged Edge."

Olivia Munn: "Prop 8 Overturned!!! Equal rights for everyone! Nice to be out of the 1950s..."

Seth Myers: "Prop 8 was always my least favorite Prop. Favorite Prop: Joe."

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