December 31, 2009

Barack & Michelle Obama: Top Celebrity Neighbors

You may never actually reside on Pennsylvania Avenue, but most Americans say they wouldn't mind living next door to Barack, Michelle, Sasha, Malia and Bo.

President Obama, his wife and two daughters came out on top of a recent poll that asked people who would be their most desirable celebrity neighbor.

On the other end of the neighbor spectrum?

A reality star like Octomom and her 14 kids, or Jon and Kate Gosselin and their brood of eight would be a big turn off, according to the informal survey.

In related news, Amy Winehouse is unstable.

The First Family Picture

THEY'RE #1: Politics aside, the Obamas sure seem like nice people!

Barack and Michelle Obama were followed by Ellen DeGeneres and partner Portia de Rossi, who tied with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and family at #2.

The poll by real estate site also found that celebrity families with large broods, like regular people, were deemed the worst likely neighbors.

Nadya Suleman, the single mom who this year added octuplets to her existing brood of six, topped the worst celebrity neighbor poll with 17 percent.

Octomom was followed by Jon and Kate Gosselin, who fortunately are no longer together. Or unfortunately, as their awfulness has now branched out.


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