December 31, 2009

Report: Jon Gosselin Roughed Up Hailey Glassman

We know former lovers Jon Gosselin and Hailey Glassman didn't exactly part ways on the best of terms - but was there a physical altercation involved?

The New York Post seems to think so, and you have to wonder if things were worse than imagined, possibly leading to his apartment getting trashed.

A source says Jon slammed Hailey against the wall of their NYC pad after he saw a photo of her kissing Celebrity Boxing promoter Damon Feldman.

There was also a report of Jon pseudo-stalking her that night.

"That picture started the whole thing, a picture of her kissing another man," a source said of Feldman, who hooked up with Hailey a few weeks ago.

Jon the DoucheHails

Did Jon and Hailey's arguments turn physical?

Earlier, Hailey Glassman "found out he was cheating on her. She told him it was over," the source added. She moved out in the middle of last week.

Glassman filed a harassment complaint with the NYPD, saying "she was pushed against [a] wall" on December 20 and verbally abused by Gosselin.

That allegation is under investigation by the police.

"The document speaks for itself," said Glassman's lawyer, Stephanie Ovadia. Jon's lawyer, Mark Heller, responded that "Jon is a lover, not a fighter."

Heller also noted, like a total idiot, that "he's been rumored to steal a kiss here and there, but he's never been accused of landing a sucker punch."


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