January 17, 2010

Audrina Patridge: Heidi Montag Plastic Surgery Bonanza a Bit Much

When Audrina Patridge is calling you out for having too plastic surgery, you've got issues. Then again, Heidi Montag is probably just thrilled to be mentioned at all.

After all, The Hills star insists on calling herself a pop star and claims her debut album is on par with Michael Jackson's Thriller. Whatever keeps her in the news.

Audrina's take on Heidi Montag's plastic surgery is that it's her body and her choice, but at the same time, she herself wouldn't be tempted to go nearly that far.

"I haven't seen how she looks, so it's hard for me to comment on it, but these are her decisions, and as long as Heidi's happy, that's all that matters," Audzo said.

Very diplomatic.

Ceiling Eyes PicSurgeried

Audrina Patridge has only mild criticism for her plastic pal.

Rumors that Audrina herself has fake boobs and has undergone other plastic surgery procedures in the past have circulated widely, but she's never confirmed it.

Heidi, on the other hand, seems to milk it for attention. Frightening.

Even while showing the 'Tag support, Audrina Patridge admits surprise at the number of procedures she had. Let's just say she's on par with MJ in something.

"I think it's a case of, 'To each their own,'" she said at Kari Feinstein's Style Lounge at Zune in Hollywood, "but 10 procedures in one day is a little much."


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