I love this story. I have a teensy little crush on Matt Damon anyway…so this story really gives me the warm fuzzies. I just knew he was a good daddy.

Matt Damon and his wife Luciana have successfully shielded their kids from the limelight for so long that the kids have no idea how famous daddy is.

He says, “The 11 year old obviously knows. She hasn’t seen all the movies but has seen enough to know that’s what I do. The little ones don’t have any idea – we’re trying to keep it that way. It’s more and more possible now with the prevalence of video cameras and technology, iPhones and BlackBerrys. Kids are used to seeing their own images on screens. So when they see me on a screen, it kind of makes sense for them: ‘Yeah, he’s on that TV and I’m on this laptop.’”
