February 23, 2010

Tiger Returns to Rehab, Elin Woods in Tow

One day after Tiger Woods' public apology for cheating on wife Elin, he made good on his claim of returning for more treatment and therapy almost immediately.

Tiger and Elin Woods spent time together Friday after his apology speech and Saturday afternoon before he flew out of the Orlando area late Saturday evening.

It is believed Elin accompanied him on his flight aboard one of the golf legend's private jets, which took off around 7 p.m., bound for a rehab center in Arizona.

Previously, Tiger had been receiving in-patient care at Gentle Path in Hattiesburg, Miss. This time, Scottsdale, Ariz., is the destination, although only for a week.

Elin Woods and their kids are with him, at least for now.

Elin Nordegren Woods PhotographTiger Woods Apology

“Elin may not stay the entire week with him,” a source said, noting that while relations have thawed somewhat. “She taking the marriage one day at a time.”

Woods' wife was not by his side at the big press conference Friday, but there has been progress made in their marriage, with more time spent as a family.

“Tiger wants time with his family and he wants Elin to be part of his recovery,” the source said “He knows it’s a long road but he’s taking it one step at a time.”

Tiger and Elin had dinner two nights in a row before Tiger’s televised speech, in which he went out of his way to praise Elin and tell America to leave her alone.

Elin called off her divorce lawyer a while ago, but only on a temporary basis. She has told Tiger that doesn’t mean that she’s staying with him, reports suggest.

She's still not wearing her wedding ring, either. Will the golf star's apology be enough? Will he, as he says, prove how sorry he is by his actions over time?


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