February 10, 2010

White House Openly Ridicules Sarah Palin

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took a blatant shot at former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin today. You could say it was an open-handed slap of sorts.

Robert Gibbs addressed the press corps this afternoon with a mini grocery list on his hand. The ingredients: Eggs, Milk, Bread (crossed out), Hope, Change.

This was a response to Palin using crib notes while reciting her speech and laying into President Obama at the National Tea Party convention in Nashville.

Because you really need to write down "I'm proud to be an American!" - her #1 political position - on your hand. Is memorization that hard? You betcha!

Robert Gibbs Picture

Robert Gibbs mocks Sarah Palin's "notes" from Sunday night.

Pretty funny, really, when you consider she rips Obama for using a Teleprompter. Also funny? In her Q&A, she really went off-message ... or off-English.

Make no mistake, the White House didn't appreciate Palin's cheap shots, and the administration isn't kidding when it talks about fighting back harder.

After all, Palin hates their agenda even more than Levi Johnston!

If this continues, it's going to get pretty stormy in D.C., and not just because the city's about to get slammed by a second blizzard in less than a week.


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