June 2, 2010

Kim Kardashian Admits She Has a Fat Butt

kim kardashian fat butt Kim Kardashian Admits She Has a Fat Butt

Kim Kardashian is being paid a lot of money to represent a diet product to help people lose weight, and what does Kim say to inspire confidence in the product?

"I’ll never be one of those skinny girls, so what."

In other words, why even try, don’t buy the product, just accept the fact you have a big fat butt, and expect everyone else to do the same. Kim is 29 years-old, so she still has a few years to go before those big curves start to become big saddle bags with a loaded trunk of junk in the back, then she’ll wish she had tried harder while she was younger.

Your attitude about your body is how you feel about yourself. If you don’t care how you look then you don’t care about yourself. It is difficult for a lot of people who don’t know how to lose the weight even though they want to. Just cut out the carbohydrates and sugar (which are a simple carbohydrate), or at least cut them down to between 50 to 80 grams per day. Once people know the secret to weight loss (above) they have no excuse for not taking action.


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