February 25, 2010

The Bachelor Spoilers: Season Finale, After the Final Rose Details Confirmed

From the beginning of the season, The Hollywood Gossip has been covering every second of the contrived, but entertaining action that is ABC's The Bachelor.

We've also been passing on The Bachelor spoilers that, at least until now, have proven to be correct. But there is great speculation brewing about the finale.

Does Jake Pavelka really pick Vienna Girardi over Tenley Molzahn? Even in light of some of the stories that have surfaced about the former in recent weeks?

Is there a shocking twist, such as Jake dumping both girls, a la Brad Womack, or areunion with Ali Fedotowsky, who left the program to return to her "job"?

Pretending to Look Conflicted

Jake Pavelka nears his heart-wrenching, terrible decision.

Some of the online rumors we've read heading into Monday's season finale and subsequent "After the Final Rose" special do suggest that shocking scenario.

Other theories? Vienna dumping Jake on the ATFR show. The ending was re-filmed after Jake changed his mind. One of the two is pregnant. The list goes on.

Well, our man Reality Steve, whose inside intel has confounded Mike Fleiss and delighted THG for several seasons, has come through again with ATFR scoop.

This is obviously not confirmed, because we were not in the room for the ATFR taping, but the man is rarely (if ever) wrong, so his spoilers are pretty legit.

Follow the jump to read who Jake chooses on the season finale Monday and the status of their relationship as of the "After the Final Rose" taping (last week):


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