February 25, 2010

Bar Refaeli Rides The Situation

Certain sentences should just never be written.

But unfortunately the above headline had to be, as it is literally, disturbingly and hilariously true. Bar Refaeli's legs around some random guido's head? Wow.

Mike Sorrentino, a.k.a. The Situation from Jersey Shore, got a chance to party hardwith Leonardo DiCaprio just last month at the hot nightclub Voyeur in L.A.

You can see where the night headed after many drinks.

The Sitch posted some Bar Refaeli pictures on his Facebook page following a shoot with Leo’s girl for Interview magazine. It's hard to blame him for it, really.

As she sits aloft the reality star’s shoulders, champagne in hand, with his muscles flexed beneath her, not even The Situation quotes can do this image justice ...

The Situation, Bar Refaeli

WE GOT OURSELVES A SITUATION! Oh yes. That much is obvious. But is it one Leonardo DiCaprio would be okay with? Eh, probably. He's kind of the man.


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