I’m so over Katherine Heigl. I really wanted to like her when she first busted out on Grey’s Anatomy but she’s been such a twit over the years that I really could care less about her anymore. I won’t bore you with details about how she has annoyed me in the past..I’ll just report that it looks like she has finally pissed off the powers that be at Grey’s and they are cutting the cord.

Series creator Shonda Rhimes has reportedly agreed to release the star from her contract. Heigl was scheduled to come back to the show on March 1 following a personal hiatus to shoot a film and spend time with her adopted daughter. But Heigl has not yet returned to work to make the final five episodes of the season, and sources say the two sides have mutually decided to terminate the relationship now.

Oh well..she’s got that stellar movie career to fall back on. Ha!
