June 1, 2010

Celine Dion Is Expecting Twins

According to sources it was released today by her husband and her manager that she is indeed having twins; although Celine was hoping for a baby she realizes now she is having twins. In reality, she just wants them to be healthy. She is 42 and she is fourteen weeks along.

The Canadian star and Idol is thrilled to say the least. She passed on performing at the winter Olympics in Vancouver to focus on becoming pregnant. She is going through some viro treatments that was her idea. She claims she is trying to make her family bigger, take care of her son and hopefully be a good mom.

Celine is one of the best female vocalist in music today. She has done singing projects with many other singers too. She is one of those independent ladies that has that glamour yet down to earth personalities.

She has had a rough road and a hard time getting pregnant so you can understand all the excitement her and her husband have been through to get pregnant. They had tried several times and this time it seems to be taking. They tried almost everything and maybe now this is it. Or so they are hoping. This would be her biggest dream right now and that is concentrating on the pregnancy. Her son is happy too, and hopes nothing happens to the twins.

In essence, this is another pregnancy they have tried but this one looks good and if all goes well she will carry the twins normally and have them when the due date comes. If you have any comments about this movie or opinions we would be glad to hear from you. You can post you comments here or on one of our forums on this web site.


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