March 2, 2010

Katherine Heigl Leaving ‘Grey’s Anatomy’?

A very much talked about subject nowadays is what the hell is Katherine Heigl going to do with “Grey’s Anatomy”. So far it looks like she’s leaving the show. Oh yeah remember T.R. Knight’s rocket scientist decision to leave> what did we say? We said it was a mistake because no one would hire him. Were we right or were we right? So far he’s working theatre jobs and even was forced out of his last play. Dumb actors.

Anyway Katherine has always been ungrateful with the show that made her wealthy and recognized. Remember when she criticized the show’s writing? And what about when she made it hard for producers by being a diva and creating havoc on set and with executives during contract negotiations? Now, she thinks she’s big enough to leave the show. We say good luck Katherine. Maybe you and T.R Knight should hang out together.


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