March 2, 2010

Kim Kardashian Launches New Fragrance

Kim Kardashian Cleavage

Kim Kardashian’s boobies must smell really good, mostly after she publicly sprayed them with a good dose of her signature fragrance. Such a daring move probably had the effect of boosting sales but I guarantee it also increased the activity of salivary glands all over the world. Millions of men must be drooling all over these photos of Kim Kardashian and her good-smelling tits.

The perfume, which will have the name of its maker Kim Kardashian, was unveiled by the beautiful socialite yesterday in a red carpet ceremony in Hollywood. Following the event, Sephora stores launched the product, which so far has record sales, supposedly because it actually captures Kim’s true scent. Regarding the fragrance, Kimmy said:

I […] underwent a complete smell test with every perfume I like to make sure mine is nothing like those. I wanted something rich and creamy and sexy, but still youthful.


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