May 28, 2010

Casino Jack And The United States Of Money Review

Reel Review: This movie was released May 7th of 2010. It was released by Magnolia Pictures and it is rated R. It is a documentary and one that anyone that has been in a casino before would like to watch more than once. This documentary stars Jack Abramoff.

What’s Inside: High Rollers in Indian casinos a Greek Tycoon , cold war spy, and the United States Congress. These are some of the ongoing and unique clues that add up to the epic mystery behind one of the greatest attempted heists in American history. This documentary shows a spiral tale of a group of con men who charm their use of power, the zealotry of religion, and political brawling to get what they want. These ideas often lead to profit too. Its about those who were interested in getting rich the easy way, and the politicians who needed their money. And how millions were extorted and the foundations of our democracy imperiled through power and cash together.

These were ambitious men who wanted to mess with the government for fun, however that all changed when other people found out their con man ways of getting their way.

Wrapping It Up: As stated above there soon became a dark side to something that was literally supposed to be a prank. That reveals our sometimes broken system with lobbying and campaign finance. There are so many things that go on that the people just don’t understand or don’t know about. It is a documentary and the Casino Jack film is a true comedy in some ways, although the joke is amazingly on us.


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