March 3, 2010

John Mayer Acting Vulgar? No Surprise There!


NO, really?!

John Mayer was spotted at La Esquina in NYC attempting to pick up a hot chick and his methods were NOT working. An eyewitness describes:

"He was drinking and saying vulgar things to the girls at the bar. He was hitting on one pretty brunette in particular, but she found him slimy because he was being so over-the-top. She thought he was being really disrespectful. She definitely didn't go home with that sleaze."

Even WE know that kinda drunken Casanova shiz isn't going to work when talking to the ladies! A close female friends thinks that John just needs to find the right girl. She explains:

"All he wants is to find the perfect girl. But he gets infatuated with women really quickly, and he's always asking other people for advice on what to do. It's like he becomes fixated on whoever he's dating."

Another friend says that John just "always thinks he's being funny at the time but doesn't understand it's actually offensive."

Oh right — because discussing your past sexual relationships with girlfriends in Playboy magazine just screams respectful! Another friend of John's states the obvious, "Who's going to date him if he keeps pulling these stunts?"

Nobody worthwhile that's for sure, but he is a musician and he'll probably always get laid — white supremacist dick and all!


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